- Donation Equipment: Improved metadata handling for all campaigns to ensure accurate and consistent information.
- Events: Adjusted the Gala template’s date section to display correctly, preventing it from appearing squished.
- Events: Enhanced the styling of the donation form tab for a more visually appealing and user-friendly layout.
- Events: Updated the label in the Gala tab section, changing “Quantity” to “Qty” for a cleaner look.
- Recurring Donations: Enabled the option to include a dedication with every recurring monthly donation, adding a personalized touch.
- Recurring Donations: Fixed the issue where credit card fees were not being charged for recurring donations to ensure accurate processing.
- Campaigns: Ensured that the campaign name appears correctly in the Authorize platform for easier identification.
- Recurring Donations: Improved the handling of recurring donations that initially fail and later succeed, ensuring proper processing and notifications.