- Sponsorship Opportunities: Ensured that the currency selected for sponsorship opportunities correctly follows through to the checkout, maintaining consistency throughout the transaction.
- UK Forms: Added the missing GiftAid checkbox to UK forms, allowing eligible donors to opt-in for tax benefits.
- Gravity Forms: Fixed the issue where the product currency in Gravity Forms was not following through correctly, ensuring accurate currency display during the checkout process.
- Donation Page: Resolved the issue where the donation page reloaded to the same page when attempting to proceed to checkout, enabling a smoother transition.
- NREMT Form: Removed the duplicate excerpt block that appeared on the NREMT form, ensuring the page content is displayed correctly without repetition.
- Sign-Up Flows: Removed Palestine phone numbers and territory options from the sign-up flows for more accurate and relevant data collection.
- Teams: Fixed the issue where the search feature incorrectly indicated that no teams were available to join, even when teams existed.
- Team Text: Deleted the text “Your team wants to raise [team goal]” as it was not applicable to individual team members, ensuring clear and relevant messaging.
- T-Shirt Size: Added a T-shirt size field to the teams sign-up process for more detailed participant information.
- GEO IP for Currencies: Implemented GEO IP functionality to automatically display the appropriate currency based on the user’s location.
- Auto-Select Country Code: Enhanced the sign-up process for teams and P2P campaigns by auto-selecting the user’s country code for a more streamlined experience.
- Phone Number Search: Improved the search functionality to include phone number fields and recognize the user’s country code for more efficient data retrieval.