Improvements – June 18th

June 18, 2024
  • P2P Campaign: Improved the “Create a Campaign” login process for a smoother experience.
  • Teams: Updated the main campaign button styling to ensure it displays correctly as #fff.
  • Ecard: Fixed the border display issue on mobile devices to provide a complete view.
  • My Account: Enhanced the styling of the P2P edit page for a more user-friendly interface.
  • Teams: Added missing congratulatory text to enhance the experience for team members.
  • Teams: Removed duplicate names under “Additional Options” for clarity.
  • Emails: Changed the label from “countries” to “currencies” for more accurate terminology.
  • Donation Forms: Replaced the full shortcode with a copy icon in the backend data table for easier access.
  • Share Block: Updated the text to say “Share your campaign” for better clarity.
  • Contact Information: Corrected the display of contact information at the bottom of the screen on mobile devices for a consistent appearance.
  • Events: Added validation to prevent users from deleting tickets or sponsorships if they already have orders.
  • Export: Corrected the CSV export to ensure it displays information accurately.
  • Bottom Sticky Bar: Changed the text “Total Donations” to “Donors” for clearer communication.
  • Offline Donations: Fixed the issue where editing an offline donation cleared the product name.
  • Offline Orders: Improved the functionality of offline orders to ensure they work correctly.